VIA Race Logo


Last updated: 30.11.2024



I'm not a racer so is VIA for me?
Racing yourself, the distance, or just getting to the party is race enough for most people. To ride VIA, you don't have to aim for a top 10 place, but pushing your limits creates an adventure with many unexpected stories! Growth only comes from putting yourself outside of your comfort zone.

Why do I need to apply?
We need to collect some basic information and understand your level of experience so that we know that you can be safe and successful when you start the ride on 26.7.2025.

How long is the application process open for?
You will need to apply between 30th November and 15th December 2024 (midnight).

How long will it take me to complete the application?
We have created a simple application which will be quick and easy. We estimate that it should take you less than 10 minutes to complete.

How is my application evaluated?
We do not work on a first come, first serve basis, nor do we operate a ballot. Instead, we consider your experience and ability to complete safely and successfully.

Why do you have an application fee?
There is a small application fee of £10 GBP per person to ensure that only serious people are offered a place.

What experience counts?
We take into consideration all types of experience in long distance cycling, e.g. touring, long audaxes, FKTs, records, both supported and unsupported, both on and off-road ultra events. We consider that before you undertake a 4,000km event you should have successfully completed a multi-day event, with experience of night riding. Where we do not have enough information about your experience, we may contact you for clarification.

What happens if I can’t show a lot of experience?
If we consider your experience is currently hard to demonstrate, we encourage you to write about your motivation and relevant cycling experience, and we will contact you separately to make sure you have a realistic plan to develop your experience before the start of the race. We will accept a limited number of Rookies who are motivated to get ready.

Which category can I enter?
We have two main categories: solo and pairs. Solo sub-categories include: Women, Men, Open, Cargo bike, and Paracyclist, where gender is completely the individual’s choice. Pairs sub-categories include tandems and “solo” bikes, where we do not differentiate between gender, whether mixed, women or men. A tandem team may comprise of any combination of paracyclists and "able-bodied" riders

Who will I get the chance to meet? What nationalities are represented?
We believe that meeting people and sharing stories with new friends is an important part of our sport. There will be participants from around the world, and we have initiatives to encourage ultracyclists from different backgrounds to participate.

How many riders can participate?
To recreate the intimate community feel from Chapter I, we have a limited number of places. The application window will close at midnight on 15.12.2024

The "Compendium" - When will the Race Manual be published? What will be in it?
The first version of the Compendium will be published on 15.1.2025 when registration for accepted applicants opens. The Compendium will contain all you need to plan for VIA.The first version will contain information and coordinates for key locations (Gates, Refuge, etc).

Rules: What are the rules, process, penalties, and why would I get disqualified?
We have consulted with some of the most recognised and experienced leaders of the ultracycling community, with diverse backgrounds. The rules, the process, and "time adjustments" are outlined in the Compendium and are based on consultation, debate and feedback from the community. The rules are continually evolved and kept up to date as the sport and community evolves. We believe that disqualification is an absolute last resort, to be reserved only for those that deliberately cheat. We also believe that “penalties” should not exist but there should instead be time adjustments for accidental mistakes to create fairness in the results. Our process is set up to encourage people and for riders to be able to talk with the VIA team to discuss and agree any time adjustments necessary to be fair to all riders.

Can I transfer my place to someone else?
Places are non-transferable as they are based upon an applicant’s experience.

Do you have quotas?
While we are actively encouraging people from under-represented groups to participate, we have no quotas.


If I am unsuccessful in applying, will I get a refund?
The fee will be donated to a charity chosen by the community, less the costs associated with the application process, so we will not profit by more people applying. By applying you accept that this fee is non-refundable and any remaining amount will be given to charity.

What is the total Registration cost?
Our total cost to you will be £400 GBP (£360ea for pairs). This includes the application fee (£10), registration fee, tracker hire, access to basic Refuge supplies and amenities, community meals at the beginning and end. This is the lowest price amongst equivalent races and is priced to make the entry fee accessible to all but to meet our costs and secure the next chapter of VIA. We are motivated by bringing the best experience to ultracyclists, not by profit. We are exploring the provision of additional services (eg: transport, accommodation, bike box drop, bag drop, cleaning) for those who are more lacking in time. We plan these to be optional services which will be commensurate with demand and difficulty.

Do I need to pay the full amount now?
Once your application is accepted, payment of the registration fee will be due between 15 to 31.1.2025. Non-payment after the deadline will result in your place being given to another rider. There is a 30-day refund window after you've paid your registration fee.

Can I bring my own tracker?
Due to logistical and technical difficulties caused by riders bringing their own trackers, we have taken onboard that advice and decided that riders cannot bring their own tracker.

What are the media licence rules?
Media created by the VIA team may be used by riders for their own personal, non-commercial purposes, only if the photographer/videographer and VIA are credited. Media cars are not allowed due perceived unfairness.

Can I get a refund for my registration fee?
After the 30-day refund window, your registration payment will be non-refundable as these payments will go to our committing to booking venues, paying for services and other logistics.

What insurance do I need?
All riders must hold insurance cover for:
-Third party liability private use cycling -Travel and medical, for example for: medical repatriation; treatment in a private medical facility; mountain rescue

What other documents do I need?
VIA Chapter II "Germanicus" will start in Italy and pass through western European countries, all of which are signatories of the Schengen agreement. Therefore, EU citizens can freely move within these countries with a valid national identity card and state-provided healthcare will be guaranteed when carrying a valid European Health Insurance Card (“EHIC”).
Non-EU citizens otherwise need to hold the following valid documents: -Passport, e.g: with sufficient validity -Visa, where required -UK citizens: Global Health Insurance card (“GHIC”) or equivalent


Is it a fixed route or is it free routing?
VIA is free routing. The key locations of the beginning, end, mandatory Gates, and Refuges, will be provided by the VIA team. Each rider will be responsible for creating their own route between each key location. The VIA team will communicate any banned roads or tunnels.
The key locations of the beginning, end, mandatory Gates, and Refuges, will be provided by the VIA team, along with any order required. Each rider will be responsible to create their own route between each key location. The VIA team will communicate any banned roads or tunnels.

How difficult is the route?
We have calculated a route of approximately 4,000km with more than 40,000hm of elevation, which crosses multiple mountain ranges. Crossing through the Western European countries of Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, France and the Netherlands.

What kind of surfaces will I be riding on?
VIA race is predominantly a road bike race. MTB/Gravel bikes are not needed. The Gates and Refuges are chosen so riders can plan an all-tarmac route. It's a free-route event and riders are also free to plan gravel or hike-a-bike sections, if they wish.

Will there be any gravel sections?
This is a road event, and all mandatory sections can be ridden with a road bike.

What mandatory routing is there?


Will there be any mandatory kit to carry during the race?
The mandatory kit will be outlined in the Compendium and is focused on ensuring rider safety and compliance with local road user regulations. We check that riders are in posession of the mandatory kit during the sign-on before the race starts.


I signed up to VIA newsletter however not received any communication.
Please contact us via [email protected] so we can add your e-mail manually.

I’d like to volunteer / offer my services - can I join the team?
We welcome all passionate people who want to help. Please contact us at [email protected] with more details of how you’d like to help.


NB: All dates will be listed here when confirmed

Applications open
Applications close
Review of applications ends & Applicants receive response
Compendium (race manual) version I published Registration and payment opens
Registration closes
Racer sign-on
Bike safety safety check Riders' briefing Community meal
Race begins
1900hrs Race ends
Triumphal Celebration including awards & community finish meal Announce Chapter III 2026 edition
Supported by
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